Things to remember while writing CV for banking career

December 5, 2017 | 1307 views | N/A



If your ultimate aim is to set up yourself in financial sector, a well-written CV is the first attraction to knock the door of your financial career. So you shouldn’t deny it. But , creating a magnetic CV is quiet challenging to get a good job. In this regard, some simple tips may be a good guideline to step forward on your career.


Your cv should be written in a reverse chronological order. It is because it shows your recent work at first. If u has recently completed masters’ degree, then it will get the top section of your CV. Similarly, if you have a recent job experience, this should be written first in your CV. Such Cv would add plus point in your banking career.


Length can play vital role in writing CV. Your CV must follow brevity. So, it will be more complicated to read the very long CV. It is your careful job to write a precise CV in order to leave good image to the employers. If your are presented with lengthy CV, it is likely to be passed over and discarded.

You should be able to tell them everything they need to know in two sides of A4, at font size 10, in a simple clear font like Arial or Calibri.


In course of writing CV, you must put relevant achievement about yourself. It is an era of high competition. So you should be a good competitor among all. Whatever skills you have acquired throughout your study period, you mustn’t miss to include that in your CV. Due to the volume of applicants, the recruiters check the list of required skills and discard which are irrelevant ones. You must always be sure that you have included everything they have asked.

Presentation of skills and abilities    

Skill and abilities of your life is very much impressive part for banking career. Even after ensuring about your all desirable quality, it is not enough for you to get the job. For this you must write CV with an active document and should focus on your achievements. If you just include various responsibilities then it will degrade your CV. It should clearly demonstrate past ability with measurable evidence.

 Summary statements

Summary statement is a great way to give the extra impression to your career. You write summary statement at the top of your CV. This statement focus on a great way of foregrounding what you have to offer and how you are hoping your career will progress.  It should summarize all the skills and education in your CV and tell the reader what you’re passionate about.

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