Invitation for bids for the Construction of Infrastructure for Banknote Shredding and Briquetting System

September 29, 2020 | 612 views | N/A

Invitation for Bids

Nepal Rastra Bank

Assets and Service Management Department

Baluwatar, Kathmandu

Invitation for bids for the Construction of Infrastructure for Banknote Shredding and Briquetting System at Birgunj, Nepal Rastra Bank.

Contract Identification No: NRB/Works/NCB/03/077/078

Date of publication: 2077/06/13

  1. Nepal Rastra Rank, Assets and Service Management Department, Baluwatar, Kathmandu invites electronic bids from Nepalese eligible bidders for the Construction of Infrastructure for Banknote Shredding and Briquetting System at Birgunj, Nepal Rastra Rank, under National Competitive Bidding procedures. The estimated amount for the works is NPR. 1,21,19,089.41 inclusive of VAT.
  2. The construction work is divided into two phases as slated in Supplementary information of Section V- Work Requirement of the bidding document
  3. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents at PPMO e-GP system
  4. Bidder who chooses to submit their bid electronically may download the bidding documents for e-submission from PPMO’s Web Site Bidders, submitting their bid electronically, should deposit the non-refundable cost of bidding document NPR. 3,000 (NPR Three Thousand Only) in the account as specified below and the scanned copy (pdf format) of the Bank deposit voucher shall be uploaded by the bidder at the time of electronic submission of the bids. Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank:
  • Name of the Bank: Nepal Rastra Bank, Banking Department, Baluwatar, Kathmandu
  • Account Name: Miscellaneous Income, Financial Management Department
  • Account No.: 1100000-030-012-524
  1. Pre-bid meeting shall be held at Nepal Rastra Bank, Assets and Service Management Department, Baluwatar, Kathmandu at 2077/07/03 at 1:00 PM.
  2. Electronic bids must be submitted through PPMO’s c-GP system on or before 12:00 P.M. on 2077/07/14. Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.
  3. The bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 01:00 P.M. on 2077/07/14 at the office of Nepal Rastra Bank, Assets and Service Management Department, Baluwatar, Kathmandu. Bids must be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid security or scanned copy of the bid security in pdf format amounting to a minimum of NPR. 2,60,000 (NPR Two Lakhs Sixty Thousands Only) which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid (i.e. 2077/11/15)
  4. If the last date of purchasing and /or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid security shall remain the same as specified for the original last date of bid submission.
  5. Nepal Rastra Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any bid. and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award without thereby incurring any liabilities to bidders.

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